Monday, December 15, 2014

Bill Maher #337 Headline Predictions Winter 2014

by Catherine Giordano  
The hottest new toy for Christmas:
"Hands Up, Elmo"*
Whenever HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher goes on hiatus, he devotes the mid-show comedy segment to a series of predictions for newspaper headlines for the period he will be off the air. The November 21, 2014 sow which was the final on for 2014 was no exception.  Maher gave us a slew of ridiculous and funny predictions
Whenever HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher goes on hiatus, he devotes the mid-show comedy segment to a series of predictions for newspaper headlines for the period he will be off the air. The November 21, 2014 sow which was the final on for 2014 was no exception.  Maher gave us a slew of ridiculous and funny predictions.
For example: 
  • Amazon to Offer Baby Delivery
  • Anthropologists Find Woman Untouched by Bill Cosby
  • Pope Francis OK with Just About Everything
  • San Francisco Bans Straight Marriage
  • U.S Tour of Liberian Monkeys Sees Low Ticket Sales
  • Bruce Jenner to Plastic Surgeon: Give me Renee Zellweger’s Old Face

See the video clip. 

As is now becoming my custom, whenever Maher does this bit, I try to see if I can top him with some of my own predictions.
What do you think of these?
  • Hottest New Toy for Christmas is “Hands Up, Elmo.”
  • Palin Tweets: “Santa is a Liberal.”
  • “Elf-on-a-Shelf” is Favorite for Republican Nomination for President
Do you have a headline prediction? Add it to the comments.
*Note: The real name of this toy is Sesame Street: My Peek-Boo-Elmo Toy. CLICK HERE to see more information about this toy.

Read the full review and recap of this episode of Real Time with Bill Maher: Tis the Season to be Stupid

Bill Maher’s Guests:  #337, November 21, 2014
John Cleese: Actor, comedian, film producer and author of several books. His latest book is Say Anyway… 

Seth Rogen: Actor, comedian. His most recent movie is The Neighbors. 

Christia Freeland: Journalist, politician, author of Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else 
Chris Mathews: Host of MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Mathews and author of several books.  His most recent book is Tip and the Gipper: When Politics Worked 
Roland Martin: Journalist, host of TV One News and author of Speak Brother: A Black Man’s View of America

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